Grassi’s Nonprofit Team is proud to sponsor the 11th Annual Interagency Council of Developmental Disabilities Agencies, Inc. (IAC) Conference on Wednesday, June 7 and Thursday, June 8 in New York City.
David Rottkamp, Nonprofit Practice Leader, will be a featured panelist during Wednesday’s 1:00p.m. session, Navigating the Fiscal Landscape in Uncertain Times for Education Providers. Topics of discussion will include:
- Best practice for schools to approach spending
- 70/30 vs. 65/35 cost screens
- 4410-contract enhancement in New York City and potential impact on SED 4410 tuition rates
- Strategies to mitigate staffing crises
- Impacts on tuition
The IAC is the largest provider association in New York for non-profit agencies that support individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD), providing services and support to individuals with I/DD throughout their life.