locate tax savings around the globe

Mitigating taxes is a goal for your multi-national company in every country. However, the strategies for reaching that goal are as unique as the locations in which your business operates.

Grassi’s International Tax Advisors guide you to the resources, knowledge and tax planning strategies you need to accomplish cross-border tax savings in any country. From structuring your international business for maximum tax benefit to helping you comply with value-added tax (VAT), tariffs, customs and administrative filings, our specialists help you minimize risk and maintain compliance at every stage of your business journey.

With offices in the U.S. and Italy, Grassi’s team of international tax experts extends into more than 110 countries with over 45,000 local professionals through our membership with PrimeGlobal.  PrimeGlobal’s independent member firms house a combined total of more than 3,800 partners and 45,000 employees in over 1,200 locations.