identify obstacles standing in the way of peak performance

Grassi Healthcare Advisors LLC (GHA) supports healthcare organizations, such as medical practices, community health centers, skilled nursing facilities, home care agencies, and agencies providing services to special populations, that find themselves challenged with clinical or financial performance issues that are keeping them from being successful.  This may become apparent because of difficulties with regulatory surveys, increased patient or family complaints, difficulty attracting patients because of poor reputation, undesired clinical outcomes, or financial losses.

Our approach to performance improvement engagements follows our consulting formula of data analysis, innovation, and transformation.

Step 1: An initial operations review and assessment, including collecting clinical and financial performance data and identifying problem areas and establishing target benchmarks and key performance indicators for improved performance.

Step 2: Mapping of current care delivery processes and comparing to organization needs and industry best practices, and then establishing new evidence-based care process innovations to meet patient needs within limitations of revenue resources.

Step 3: Transforming the organization in order to ensure continued success.  This is accomplished by identifying current organization incentives that don’t match desired goals and replacing them with incentives that focus on value-based care– quality outcomes achieved through cost effective care and improved patient engagement.

When necessary, we assist with development and implementation of plans of corrective action that meet the requirements of external regulators when serious deficiencies are identified on survey, or financial lenders when bond or loan covenants are not being met. We also are prepared to provide interim management (CEO, CFO, CHRO, etc.), restructuring officer services, or bankruptcy trustee role.

Discover more of our Healthcare Advisory services to help your organization or facility thrive.