EVENT: 8th Annual White Collar Crime Institute

White collar criminal prosecutions, investigations, and reform efforts have widespread political, social, and economic reverberations, and this year is certainly no exception. The scope and nature of white collar matters have become more complex, as defense attorneys, prosecutors and regulators must define the contours of cooperation, navigate tumultuous cross-border and multi-jurisdictional issues, and adjust to an evolving and uncertain enforcement landscape—all under intense press and public scrutiny.

The White Collar Criminal Law Committee has assembled a comprehensive full-day program that will explore these and other critical developments that have characterized this era of white collar enforcement. Our panels will include senior government enforcement officials, members of the media, and top practitioners in the field.


Date: Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Time: 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM
Location: NYC Bar, 42 West 44th Street, NY 10036

CLE Credits will be offered in NY, NJ, CA and PA.